python能写应用程序_Python到底能做什么? 这是Python的3个主要应用程序。
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by YK Sugi

由YK Sugi

If you’re thinking of learning Python — or if you recently started learning it — you may be asking yourself:


“What exactly can I use Python for?”


Well that’s a tricky question to answer, because there are so many applications for Python.


But over time, I have observed that there are 3 main popular applications for Python:


  • Web Development

  • Data Science — including machine learning, data analysis, and data visualization

  • Scripting


Let’s talk about each of them in turn.


Web开发 (Web Development)

Web frameworks that are based on Python like Django and Flask have recently become very popular for web development.


These web frameworks help you create server-side code (backend code) in Python. That’s the code that runs on your server, as opposed to on users’ devices and browsers (front-end code). If you’re not familiar with the difference between backend code and front-end code, please see my footnote below.

这些Web框架可帮助您使用Python创建服务器端代码(后端代码)。 那是在服务器上运行的代码,而不是在用户的设备和浏览器上运行的代码(前端代码)。 如果您不熟悉后端代码和前端代码之间的区别,请参见下面的脚注。

但是,等等,为什么我需要一个Web框架? (But wait, why do I need a web framework?)

That’s because a web framework makes it easier to build common backend logic. This includes mapping different URLs to chunks of Python code, dealing with databases, and generating HTML files users see on their browsers.

这是因为Web框架使构建通用后端逻辑更加容易。 这包括将不同的URL映射到Python代码块,处理数据库以及生成用户在浏览器中看到HTML文件。

我应该使用哪个Python Web框架? (Which Python web framework should I use?)

Django and Flask are two of the most popular Python web frameworks. I’d recommend using one of them if you’re just getting started.

Django和Flask是两个最受欢迎的Python网络框架。 如果您刚刚入门,建议您使用其中之一。

Django和Flask有什么区别? (What’s the difference between Django and Flask?)

There’s an about this topic by Gareth Dwyer, so let me quote it here:

Gareth Dwyer 有关该主题的 ,因此在这里引用一下:

<begin quote>

<开始 >

Main contrasts:


  • Flask provides simplicity, flexibility and fine-grained control. It is unopinionated (it lets you decide how you want to implement things).

    Flask提供了简单,灵活和细粒度的控制。 它是不受限制的(它使您可以决定如何实现事物)。
  • Django provides an all-inclusive experience: you get an admin panel, database interfaces, an , and directory structure for your apps and projects out of the box.

    Django提供了全方位的体验:您可以立即获得管理面板,数据库界面, 以及应用程序和项目的目录结构。

You should probably choose:


  • Flask, if you’re focused on the experience and learning opportunities, or if you want more control about which components to use (such as what databases you want to use and how you want to interact with them).

  • Django, if you’re focused on the final product. Especially if you’re working on a straight-forward application such as a news site, an e-store, or blog, and you want there to always be a single, obvious way of doing things.

    Django,如果您专注于最终产品。 尤其是如果您正在开发简单的应用程序(例如新闻站点,电子商店或博客),并且希望始终有一种单一且显而易见的处理方式。

</end quote>

</ end quo >

In other words, If you’re a beginner, Flask is probably a better choice because it has fewer components to deal with. Also, Flask is a better choice if you want more customization.

换句话说,如果您是初学者,则Flask可能是一个更好的选择,因为它需要处理的组件更少。 另外,如果您想进行更多定制,则Flask是更好的选择。

On the other hand, if you’re looking to build something straight-forward, Django will probably let you get there faster.


Now, if you’re looking to learn Django, I recommend the book called Django for Beginners. You can find it .

现在,如果您想学习Django,我推荐一本名为Django的新手书籍。 你可以在找到它。

You can also find the free sample chapters of that book .


Okay, let’s go to the next topic!


数据科学-包括机器学习,数据分析和数据可视化 (Data Science — including machine learning, data analysis, and data visualization)

首先,让我们来回顾一下机器学习 (First of all, let’s review what machine learning is.)

I think the best way to explain what machine learning is would be to give you a simple example.


Let’s say you want to develop a program that automatically detects what’s in a picture.


So, given this picture below (Picture 1), you want your program to recognize that it’s a dog.


Given this other one below (Picture 2), you want your program to recognize that it’s a table.


You might say, well, I can just write some code to do that. For example, maybe if there are a lot of light brown pixels in the picture, then we can say that it’s a dog.

您可能会说,嗯,我可以编写一些代码来做到这一点。 例如,如果图片中有很多浅棕色像素,那么我们可以说它是一只狗。

Or maybe, you can figure out how to detect edges in a picture. Then, you might say, if there are many straight edges, then it’s a table.

或者,您可以弄清楚如何检测图片的边缘。 然后,您可能会说,如果有很多直边,那就是一张桌子。

However, this kind of approach gets tricky pretty quickly. What if there’s a white dog in the picture with no brown hair? What if the picture shows only the round parts of the table?

但是,这种方法很快就会变得棘手。 如果图片中有只白狗没有棕色头发怎么办? 如果图片仅显示桌子的圆形部分怎么办?

This is where machine learning comes in.


Machine learning typically implements an algorithm that automatically detects a pattern in the given input.


You can give, say, 1,000 pictures of a dog and 1,000 pictures of a table to a machine learning algorithm. Then, it will learn the difference between a dog and a table. When you give it a new picture of either a dog or a table, it will be able to recognize which one it is.

例如,您可以将1,000张狗的照片和1,000张桌子的照片提供给机器学习算法。 然后,它将了解狗和桌子之间的区别。 当给它一张新的狗或桌子的图片时,它将能够识别出它是哪只。

I think this is somewhat similar to how a baby learns new things. How does a baby learn that one thing looks like a dog and another a table? Probably from a bunch of examples.

我认为这有点类似于婴儿学习新事物的方式。 婴儿如何学会一件事看起来像狗,而另一件事看起来像桌子? 大概有很多例子。

You probably don’t explicitly tell a baby, “If something is furry and has light brown hair, then it’s probably a dog.”


You would probably just say, “That’s a dog. This is also a dog. And this one is a table. That one is also a table.”

您可能会说:“那是一条狗。 这也是一条狗。 这是一张桌子。 那也是一张桌子。”

Machine learning algorithms work much the same way.


You can apply the same idea to:


  • recommendation systems (think YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix)

  • face recognition

  • voice recognition


among other applications.


Popular machine learning algorithms you might have heard about include:


  • Neural networks

  • Deep learning

  • Support vector machines

  • Random forest


You can use any of the above algorithms to solve the picture-labeling problem I explained earlier.


适用于机器学习的Python (Python for machine learning)

There are popular machine learning libraries and frameworks for Python.


Two of the most popular ones are scikit-learn and TensorFlow.


  • scikit-learn comes with some of the more popular machine learning algorithms built-in. I mentioned some of them above.

    scikit-learn内置了一些更流行的机器学习算法。 我在上面提到了其中一些。
  • TensorFlow is more of a low-level library that allows you to build custom machine learning algorithms.


If you’re just getting started with a machine learning project, I would recommend that you first start with scikit-learn. If you start running into efficiency issues, then I would start looking into TensorFlow.

如果您刚刚开始学习机器学习项目,建议您先从scikit-learn开始。 如果您开始遇到效率问题,那么我将开始研究TensorFlow。

我应该如何学习机器学习? (How should I learn machine learning?)

To learn machine learning fundamentals, I would recommend either or machine learning course.


Please note that you need basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra to understand some of the materials in those courses.


Then, I would practice what you’ve learned from one of those courses with . It’s a website where people compete to build the best machine learning algorithm for a given problem. They have nice tutorials for beginners, too.

然后,我将使用练习您从其中一门课程中学到的知识。 在这个网站上,人们可以竞争为给定的问题构建最佳的机器学习算法。 他们也为初学者提供了不错的教程。

数据分析和数据可视化如何? (What about data analysis and data visualization?)

To help you understand what these might look like, let me give you a simple example here.


Let’s say you’re working for a company that sells some products online.


Then, as a data analyst, you might draw a bar graph like this.


From this graph, we can tell that men bought over 400 units of this product and women bought about 350 units of this product this particular Sunday.


As a data analyst, you might come up with a few possible explanations for this difference.


One obvious possible explanation is that this product is more popular with men than with women. Another possible explanation might be that the sample size is too small and this difference was caused just by chance. And yet another possible explanation might be that men tend to buy this product more only on Sunday for some reason.

一个明显的可能解释是,与男性相比,该产品在男性中更受欢迎。 另一个可能的解释可能是样本数量太小,而这种差异是偶然造成的。 还有另一种可能的解释是,由于某种原因,男人倾向于只在星期日购买更多该产品。

To understand which of these explanations is correct, you might draw another graph like this one.


Instead of showing the data for Sunday only, we’re looking at the data for a full week. As you can see, from this graph, we can see that this difference is pretty consistent over different days.

我们不仅仅显示星期日的数据,而是查看整周的数据。 如您所见,从该图可以看出,这一差异在不同的日子是相当一致的。

From this little analysis, you might conclude that the most convincing explanation for this difference is that this product is simply more popular with men than with women.


On the other hand, what if you see a graph like this one instead?


Then, what explains the difference on Sunday?


You might say, perhaps men tend to buy more of this product only on Sunday for some reason. Or, perhaps it was just a coincidence that men bought more of it on Sunday.

您可能会说,也许出于某种原因,男人往往只会在星期日购买更多这种产品。 或者,也许是偶然的,人们在星期天买了更多。

So, this is a simplified example of what data analysis might look like in the real world.


The data analysis work I did when I was working at Google and Microsoft was very similar to this example — only more complex. I actually used Python at Google for this kind of analysis, while I used JavaScript at Microsoft.

我在Google和Microsoft工作时所做的数据分析工作与该示例非常相似,只是更为复杂。 实际上,我在Google上使用Python进行了这种分析,而在Microsoft上使用了JavaScript。

I used SQL at both of those companies to pull data from our databases. Then, I would use either Python and Matplotlib (at Google) or JavaScript and D3.js (at Microsoft) to visualize and analyze this data.

我在两家公司都使用SQL从数据库中提取数据。 然后,我将使用Python和Matplotlib(在Google)或JavaScript和D3.js(在Microsoft)来可视化和分析这些数据。

使用Python进行数据分析/可视化 (Data analysis / visualization with Python)

One of the most popular libraries for data visualization is .

是用于数据可视化的最受欢迎的库 。

It’s a good library to get started with because:


  • It’s easy to get started with

  • Some other libraries such as is based on it. So, learning Matplotlib will help you learn these other libraries later on.

    诸如类的其他一些库也为基础。 因此,学习Matplotlib将帮助您稍后学习这些其他库。

How should I learn data analysis / visualization with Python?


You should first learn the fundamentals of data analysis and visualization. When I looked for good resources for this online, I couldn’t find any. So, I ended up making a YouTube video on this topic:

您应该首先学习数据分析和可视化的基础知识。 当我在网上寻找好的资源时,找不到任何资源。 因此,我最终制作了有关此主题的YouTube视频:

I also ended up making a , which you can take for free by signing up to their 10-day free trial.

我还最终上完成了的 ,您可以通过注册10天免费试用版来免费学习。

I’d recommend both of them.


After learning the fundamentals of data analysis and visualization, learning fundamentals of statistics from websites like Coursera and Khan Academy will be helpful, as well.

在学习了数据分析和可视化的基础知识之后,从Coursera和Khan Academy等网站学习统计基础知识也将有所帮助。

脚本编写 (Scripting)

什么是脚本? (What is scripting?)

Scripting usually refers to writing small programs that are designed to automate simple tasks.


So, let me give you an example from my personal experience here.


I used to work at a small startup in Japan where we had an email support system. It was a system for us to respond to questions customers sent us via email.

我曾经在日本的一家小型初创公司工作,那里有一个电子邮件支持系统。 这是我们用来回应客户通过电子邮件发送给我们的问题的系统。

When I was working there, I had the task of counting the numbers of emails containing certain keywords so we could analyze the emails we received.


We could have done it manually, but instead, I wrote a simple program / simple script to automate this task.


Actually, we used Ruby for this back then, but Python is also a good language for this kind of task. Python is suited for this type of task mainly because it has relatively simple syntax and is easy to write. It’s also quick to write something small with it and test it.

实际上,那时我们使用Ruby来完成此工作,但是Python还是执行此类任务的好语言。 Python之所以适合此类任务,主要是因为它具有相对简单的语法并且易于编写。 用它编写一些小的东西并对其进行测试也很快。

嵌入式应用程序呢? (What about embedded applications?)

I’m not an expert on embedded applications, but I know that Python works with Rasberry Pi. It seems like a popular application among hardware hobbyists.

我不是嵌入式应用程序专家,但是我知道Python可与Rasberry Pi一起使用。 它似乎在硬件爱好者中很流行。

那游戏呢? (What about gaming?)

You could use the library called PyGame to develop games, but it’s not the most popular gaming engine out there. You could use it to build a hobby project, but I personally wouldn’t choose it if you’re serious about game development.

您可以使用名为PyGame的库来开发游戏,但是它不是那里最受欢迎的游戏引擎。 您可以使用它来构建一个爱好项目,但是如果您对游戏开发很认真,我个人不会选择它。

Rather, I would recommend getting started with Unity with C#, which is one of the most popular gaming engines. It allows you to build a game for many platforms, including Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.

相反,我建议您使用C#(这是最受欢迎的游戏引擎之一)入门Unity。 它允许您为许多平台(包括Mac,Windows,iOS和Android)构建游戏。

桌面应用程序呢? (What about desktop applications?)

You could make one with Python using Tkinter, but it doesn’t seem like the most popular choice either.


Instead, it seems like languages like are more popular for this.


Recently, some companies have started using JavaScript to create Desktop applications, too.


. It allows you to build desktop applications with JavaScript.

。 它允许您使用JavaScript构建桌面应用程序。

Personally, if I was building a desktop application, I would go with a JavaScript option. It allows you to reuse some of the code from a web version if you have it.

就个人而言,如果要构建桌面应用程序,则可以使用JavaScript选项。 如果有的话,它允许您重用Web版本中的某些代码。

However, I’m not an expert on desktop applications either, so please let me know in a comment if you disagree or agree with me on this.


Python 3还是Python 2? (Python 3 or Python 2?)

I would recommend Python 3 since it’s more modern and it’s a more popular option at this point.

我建议使用Python 3,因为它更现代,并且是目前比较流行的选择。

脚注:有关后端代码与前端代码的注释(以防您不熟悉这些术语): (Footnote: A note about back-end code vs front-end code (just in case you are not familiar with the terms):)

Let’s say you want to make something like Instagram.


Then, you’d need to create front-end code for each type of device you want to support.


You might use, for example:


  • Swift for iOS

  • Java for Android

  • JavaScript for web browsers


Each set of code will run on each type of device / browser. This will be the set of code that determines what the layout of the app will be like, what the buttons should look like when you click them, etc.

每组代码将在每种类型的设备/浏览器上运行。 这是一组代码,用于确定应用程序的布局,单击时的按钮外观等。

However, you will still need the ability to store users’ info and photos. You will want to store them on your server and not just on your users’ devices so each user’s followers can view his/her photos.

但是,您仍然需要能够存储用户的信息和照片。 您将希望将它们存储在服务器上,而不仅仅是存储在用户的设备上,以便每个用户的关注者都可以查看他/她的照片。

This is where the backend code / server-side code comes in. You’ll need to write some backend code to do things like:


  • Keep track of who’s following who

  • Compress photos so they don’t take up so much storage space

  • Recommend photos and new accounts to each user in the discovery feature


So, this is the difference between backend code and front-end code.


By the way, Python is not the only good choice for writing backend / server-side code. There are many other popular choices, including Node.js, which is based on JavaScript.

顺便说一句,Python并不是编写后端/服务器端代码的唯一好选择。 还有许多其他流行的选择,包括基于JavaScript的Node.js。

喜欢这篇文章吗? 然后,您可能也喜欢我的YouTube频道。 (Liked this article? Then, you might also like my YouTube channel.)

I have a programming education YouTube channel called with 440,000+ subscribers, where I produce more content like this article.


For example, you might like these videos:


无论如何,非常感谢您阅读我的文章! (Anyway, thanks a lot for reading my article!)




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